It’s done – Our Homepage is online with a new Layout and a lot of Information.
Here you will find all Information about the living Members of the TUMMOSCHEIT Family from Berlin (Germany). TUMMOSCHEIT aus Berlin, erhält man einen Überblick über die direkten Vorfahren unserer Familie und deren Namensvettern, welche vorwiegend aus dem ehemaligen Ostpreußen stammen.
Because of the great research done by my uncles Ferdinand Nikolaus Spangenberg we were able to add our ancestors from the Family SPANGENBERG , DETTE and RITZENHOFF too. SPANGENBERG, DETTE und RITZENHOFF der Datenbank zu erfassen. Damit sind nun auch die Vorfahren meiner Mutter präsentiert. Schwerpunkt dieser Forschungen sind Orte in Thüringen und Nordrhein Westfalen.
Both branches were almost researched until the early 1600 Century. Furthermore you will find a Database which host the most of our Anrestors and namesakes.
We looking forward to get in touch with other Tummoscheits (or namesakes) from all over the World to collect all available Data about our Family and our Ancestors.
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Please feel free to look around.
Jan Tummoscheit